«Ungovernable Resistance» и «Screaming From The Gutter» хотели бы поблагодарить всех за помощь и поддержку с созданием сборника. «FCW» был создан, чтобы помочь народу Гаити, которые все еще остро нуждаются в срочной медицинской помощи.
«Ungovernable Resistance» & «Screaming From The Gutter» would like to thank everyone for their help and support with compilation. «FCW» was created to help the people of Haiti who are still in dire need of urgent medical supplies.
1. Tawk - I'm Haiti (Intro to Fuck Corp Wank) (4:54)
2. Children of Damnation - AWAHJD. Hermien JD & Angelica Wandering Angel. "The Shared
Symphony of AWAHJD ( Soundtrack for Fuck Corporate Wank) (6:47)
3. Burnt Cross - Reality of sacrifice (3:24)
4. Fed Up - BLEAK REALITY (1:33)
5. Black Skull Squadron - Share the Shame (3:02)
6. Gallery - House Of Cards (4:58)
7. Defekt - Politika (2:25)
8. Active Slaughter - Chernobyl (3:18)
9. Filthy Charity - USA (1:42)
10. Antabus - Feel the pain (1:22)
11. AUK - Where Are Your Gods ( In Nomini Domini ) (4:15)
12. For Fucksake - Seize Fate by the Throat (2:59)
13. Audio Kollaps - schuld (2:39)
14. Global Parasite - Smash the NWO (1:19)
15. Orchard of the Living - It's all wrong (3:17)
16. Dead Subverts - In The Name Of Art (2:06)
17. DEADFUCK - Border Town (2:03)
18. Poster-iti - Poster ITI - bombs are coming (2:13)
19. Per Capita - Erased by authority (2:25)
20. Down to Kill - NO JUSTICE (2:06)
21. oiz ii men - fighty-the-righty-in-blighty (1:51)
22. Krasskepala - napas peradaban yang beracun (3:39)
23. Miseria - Miseria - Chi sarà il prossimo? (1:11)
24. UNION STRIKE drop a cop (2:46)

1. Deportation - System shit lies (0:58)
2. Ruggine - Stai Sicuro (2:08)
3. Power Is Poison - Don't Let Them Steal Your Life (1:36)
4. Diskelmä - Bloody Tears (2:47)
5. Subside-Victims Of Politics (1:33)
6. Freedom Is Lie - háború (2:12)
7. CONSTRUCTORES DEL ODIO - Esto Es America (this is america) (1:38)
8. Germ Bomb - N.W.O (3:03)
9. Raw Power-politicians (2:00)
10. Temple of Dagon - Book of Azathoth (4:20)
11. The Bristles - Malmo 26 (union bashing state) (2:10)
12. Wages of Fear - Corporate Corruption (1:26)
13. Total Aggression - Känns Som Slutet Är Nära (2:24)
14. Diskent - Bored teenagers (1:29)
15. Maniatikatz - Adultantes Mentiras (1:54)
16. Mental Killing Spree - They still have a god (7:53)
17. Parapsychotic - World End (2:39)
18. Slaktrens - Statistiken (0:40)
19. The Washingtonians - Washingtonians Warfare (2:10)
20. Plakkaggio HC - Fragments of life (2:25)
21. Quarto Potere - Nessuna Speranza Di Vita (3:13)
22. Harold Shitman - Perfect center powerviolence (0:55)
23. Scooter Trash - U.S.G. [United States Ghetto] (2:32)
24. Henry Fonda - Wage Slave (0.25)
1. Fucks Sake - necroslut (3:09)
2. Distanásia - Sociedade Suicida (2:41)
3. Campus Sterminii - Human waste (4:00)
4. Iszonyat - Uton utfelen (3:02)
5. Tacheless - What Sacrifice? (2:17)
6. PUNK VIRUS volti infastiditi (2:28)
7. Mass Obliteration - Nekare (3:21)
8. ZUDAS KRUST - Kami Datang dengan Damai (8) (1:40)
9. Totälickers - Politicos (1:39)
10. Social chaos - Insanidade politica (1:10)
11. Shit With Corn Flakes - Running Against the Clock (1:27)
12. Zora - Enslaved by the pigs (2:33)
13. carlos dunga - Calcino (1:37)
14. Sub Alert - Jesus was not right (2:12)
15. PFA - Empty Streets (0:27)
16. Greed Killing - Police State (2:08)
17. Imminent Chaos absent future (17) (1:26)
18. I know - Бедные и ужасные (1:48)
19. IL Disagio - Cops (3:08)
20. Yattai- Good medecine (0:55)
21. Fuser - Fuser- Beware of god (1:06)
22. Kalazaar - Fear of life (2:16)
23. Kann Ich Mit Leben - Gewalt (2:45)
24. DEZANATA underwater (3:36)